Bureaucracy Card

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Re: Bureaucracy Card

Post by PsiComa » Mon May 14, 2018 11:28 am

Ma1achi542 wrote:I see that we have gotten rid of the refresh planets effect of the Assembly/Bureaucracy secondary ability. At first I was surprised by what is a significant loss of power- refreshing up to 6 resources vs. relocating a leader, reallocating CCs, +1 TG. But on retrospection, there are definite tactical situations where these effects would be useful and it can help players recover when they find their leaders or CCs are in the wrong place.

The idea I want to bring up here is rather than granting one Trade Good, what about allowing you to add a Facility to a non-Home System planet you control? xBureaucracy (1).jpg This would add some additional resources into the game, but nowhere near as much as before. I think the secondary ability should be at least somewhat on part with the primary ability granting extra victory points.

Thanks for the Facility idea. I like that.

We've been playing without the refreshing ability for some 6 months now, and it has vastly improved the game. I've been talked about it for like 6 years, but never really pushed it through before last autumn. But it's a good thing we did. More appropriate resources number for sure, but the Assembly holder can also time the council strategically without to worry about all other players optimizing their resource slush-back. More power to Assembly!

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